Unmasking Greenwashing in Fashion: Empower Yourself to Choose Better

In the world of fashion, green is the new black. Brands are racing to slap eco-friendly labels on their products, hoping to capture the hearts (and wallets) of conscious consumers. But not everything that glitters is gold, and not every “green” claim is as pure as it seems. Welcome to the world of greenwashing—a practice that’s more common than you might think.

We’re here to peel back the layers of misleading marketing and empower you to make choices that genuinely reflect your values. So, let’s dive into some common tactics used by hair accessory companies and how you can spot the truth behind the label (see the Instagram story here).

1. Recycled Plastic: The Fine Print

Made from Recycled Plastic! Sounds great, right? But before you add that scrunchie to your cart, let’s take a closer look.

The Misleading Claim:

hair accessory made from recycled plastic can make it sound like the entire item is eco-friendly. However, what this most often means is that the product contains a percentage of recycled plastic—sometimes as little as 50%. The rest? Virgin plastic, brand new and just as harmful as before.

The Real Issue:

Even if the plastic is recycled, it’s still plastic. That means it’s still going to break down into microplastics, pollute our environment, and persist for hundreds of years. The term "recycled" is often used as a distraction—a way to make you feel good about your purchase without addressing the core problem: the plastic itself.

Empowerment Tip:

Don’t fall for the feint. Look for products that are 100% plastic-free, or better yet, made from sustainable, plant-based materials like our Scrunchies. At KOOSHOO, we believe in real solutions, not just feel-good labels.

2. Cruelty-Free: What Does It Really Mean?

Cruelty-Free is a term that’s gained a lot of traction, and for good reason—no one wants to support products that harm animals. But what happens when this term is applied to synthetic, plastic-based products?

The Misleading Claim:

Just because a product wasn’t tested on animals doesn’t mean it’s harmless. If a scrunchie is made from 100% synthetic materials, it’s likely to shed microplastics every time you wear it. These tiny particles find their way into our water, our soil, and even our bodies, causing long-term harm to ecosystems and wildlife. In addition, because they don't break down they cause choking hazards for wildlife, as reported in this recent article about wildlife deaths caused by plastic hair ties:

The Real Issue:

Can we truly call a product “cruelty-free” if it continues to harm the planet long after it’s been discarded? And if it’s made from conventional cotton, let’s not forget that this crop is one of the most heavily sprayed with pesticides. The damage extends far beyond what happens in a lab.

Empowerment Tip:

Consider the full lifecycle of a product. True cruelty-free means considering the impact on all living things, not just in the short term, but for generations to come. Choose brands that prioritize both animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

3. The Satin Illusion: It’s All in the Weave

Satin Scrunchies—they sound luxurious, don’t they? But there’s more to the story.

The Misleading Claim:

Satin has a rich history associated with silk, a natural fiber. But here’s the trick: satin refers to the weave, not the material. So, that “satin” scrunchie could very well be made from 100% synthetic fibers, like polyester, which is just another form of plastic. And yet, companies have the audacity to claim them as "environmentally-friendly", as in this example:

The Real Issue:

By using the word “satin,” brands can evoke the luxury of silk without using a single natural fiber. It’s a sneaky way to dress up plastic, making it seem far more elegant and eco-friendly than it actually is.

Empowerment Tip:

Always check the materials. If you’re after the real deal—natural, biodegradable fabrics—be sure to verify what that satin scrunchie is really made of. At KOOSHOO, we’re transparent about what goes into our products because we believe you deserve the truth - that's why we make hair accessories from plants, not plastics.

How to Protect Yourself from Greenwashing

Greenwashing is all about creating a feel-good narrative that distracts from the real environmental impact of a product. But you’re smarter than that. Here’s how you can protect yourself:

Read Beyond the Label:

Don’t be swayed by buzzwords. Look for detailed information on what a product is made from and how it’s produced.

Ask Questions:

If a claim seems too good to be true, it probably is. Reach out to brands and ask for specifics. In the hair accessories industry, it's not mandated that companies disclose materials so most companies leave this information off their packaging because they don't want you think about the origins and lasting-effects of their materials. 

Choose Transparency:

Support companies that are open about their materials, processes, and impact. The more transparent a brand is, the more likely it is that they’re truly committed to sustainability.

Empowerment Over Guilt: The Future of Fashion

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed or even guilty when faced with the reality of greenwashing. But here’s the thing: the power is in your hands. Every time you choose a genuinely sustainable product, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want to live in. And that’s something to feel great about.

At KOOSHOO, we’re committed to creating products that don’t just look good—they do good. We invite you to join us in choosing plants over plastic for your hair accessories, transparency over trickery, and empowerment over guilt. Together, we can drive the future of fashion toward a more sustainable, honest, and beautiful place.

Join the conversation and help expose greenwashing in fashion. Share your experiences, ask questions, and let’s demand better from the brands we support. 

Final Thoughts

Greenwashing might be rampant, but with a little knowledge and a lot of empowerment, you can navigate the world of fashion with confidence. By staying informed and demanding transparency, you can make choices that truly reflect your values—and that’s something no misleading label can take away.

Want to learn more about how to spot greenwashing and make better choices? Check out our other blog posts on sustainable fashion and the role of plants in the future of the industry. Explore KOOSHOO’s Ponytales Blog about all things the world of Hair and small business.

Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram where we take you behind-the-scenes of our game-changing hair accessories company


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"The best hair tie I've ever used. The fact that it adheres to my standards of a planet friendly product is a bonus!"
- Melody P.

"You guys, these scrunchies are ridiculous. I have THICK hair and I'm so pumped that not only can I wrap it around my hair twice, but it stays in without slowly falling out."
Sarah L

"I think the headband is my favourite one I have ever worn to be honest!!"
Kaitlynn M.