The Return of the Kings: How Plants are Reclaiming Their Throne in Textiles

For far too long, we’ve been living in a synthetic world. It’s a world where plastic has reigned supreme, weaving its way into our lives, our products, and ultimately, our planet. But here’s the thing: plastic was never meant to be king. It was a pretender, a cheap stand-in for the real deal, taking the throne by offering convenience at the expense of our environment.

Let’s rewind a bit. The 1970s saw the dawn of a new era, where synthetic fibers took center stage in the textile industry. They were heralded as the future—cheaper, more versatile, capable of performing functions that natural fibers couldn’t. And for a while, we were enamored with this new world of possibilities. We didn’t know, or perhaps didn’t want to know, about the dark side of synthetics. We didn’t realize that these materials, so full of promise, would leave behind a legacy of pollution that would haunt generations to come.

Microplastics. That’s the dirty word we’re only now coming to grips with. These tiny particles, invisible to the naked eye, are everywhere. They’re in the rain, the wind, and yes, even in us. These are the forever footprints of synthetic fibers, a reminder that while we were chasing short-term gains, we were planting the seeds of a long-term disaster.

But here’s the good news: the tide is turning. The reign of plastics is coming to an end, and plants are poised to reclaim their throne.

Technology, that once turned its back on nature in favor of synthetics, is now circling back with newfound respect. We’re witnessing the rise of plant-based materials that don’t just mimic the performance of synthetics—they surpass them. These new-age fibers are cruelty-free, planet-friendly, and designed to return to the earth from whence they came. They are, in every sense, the future we should have chosen all along.

And leading the charge in this revolution? KOOSHOO.

In 2012, we did something remarkable. We created the world’s first hair ties made entirely from plants. No plastic. No compromise. Just pure, natural materials that work with the earth, not against it. It was a how-doesn't-that-yet-exist move, and it set the stage for what was to come. Read about our full history of innovation here. 

Since then, we've continued to push the envelope. We’ve launched the world’s first plastic-free scrunchies, plastic-free kids hair ties, and plastic-free fabric headbands (coming back in 2025 after some modifications). These aren’t just products—they’re statements. They’re a declaration that we can, and must, do better.

But this is just the beginning. The future of hair accessories—and indeed, the entire textile industry—lies in plants. We are so certain of this. It’s a future where we take back what was once ours, where every product we create is designed to return to the earth, leaving no trace of its existence. Our future generations deserve better, and will expect better. 

Imagine a world where every hair tie, every scrunchie, every headband, is made from materials that not only meet the demands of today’s consumers but also respect the needs of tomorrow’s planet. That’s the world KOOSHOO is building. It’s a world where plants aren’t just a part of the solution—they are the solution.

The reality is, consumers are waking up. They’re starting to demand better. They’re asking the important questions, like, “Where did this come from?” and “What will happen to it when I’m done with it?” And when they find out that their everyday accessories are contributing to a global microplastic crisis, they’re looking for alternatives. They’re looking for companies that align with their values, companies that are driving the shift away from plastics and toward something better.

KOOSHOO is that company. And the time is now.

The truth is, the plastic age is on its way out. It’s been a long run, but it’s time for a change. It’s time for plants to reclaim their throne, to take back their rightful place at the top of the textile pyramid. It’s time for materials that are as kind to the earth as they are to us.

This isn’t just about hair ties. It’s about a movement. A movement that starts with something as simple as what you put in your hair and ripples out to encompass every corner of the textile industry. It’s about making choices today that will shape the world of tomorrow.

KOOSHOO has been at the forefront of this movement since day one. We've led the way, showing that it’s possible to create beautiful, functional products that don’t compromise on ethics or the environment. And as more and more consumers join this movement, as the demand for plant-based products grows, KOOSHOO is perfectly positioned to lead the charge.

The future is plants. And that’s a future worth investing in.

Let's all choose plants over plastics.

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"The best hair tie I've ever used. The fact that it adheres to my standards of a planet friendly product is a bonus!"
- Melody P.

"You guys, these scrunchies are ridiculous. I have THICK hair and I'm so pumped that not only can I wrap it around my hair twice, but it stays in without slowly falling out."
Sarah L

"I think the headband is my favourite one I have ever worn to be honest!!"
Kaitlynn M.