Small Businesses Support: Why and How
There is a lot going on in the world right now. While it can feel overwhelming, it’s important to know that there is also a ton of good coming from these trying times. Whether it’s evening salutes to our incredible health care workers, John Krasinski’s delightful Some Good News videos or stories of communities rallying around those who need it most, it all comes back to people choosing to spread love, joy and positivity however they can. And we’re all for this!
If you’re keen to join the spreading good movement, may we suggest supporting local small and independent businesses. There are a myriad of ways you can do this and many won’t cost you a cent. Below are some of our favourites.

First you may be wondering: why is it so important to support small businesses?
Well, there are a number of reasons. Small businesses are directly impacted by the communities they are a part of, and are therefore extremely invested in it’s well-being. Small business owners are in closer contact with the real people of the community, and can cultivate meaningful relationships with the customers and community. This often means even more care I put into the products and overall customer experience.
“These are establishments that are often the character of a neighborhood, a community. The relationships created between customers and those that work in independent business frequently go beyond just purchases — it becomes familial.” - Rembert Browne (culture critic at large - New York Magazine).
And, if you need one more reason just to seal the deal, supporting small business is often much better for the environment, as they likely have a much smaller carbon footprint than larger corporations.
There are a number of ways you can support your small business pals. Here are just a few ideas. If you have any others please feel free to share them in the comments below!

Although many business’s storefronts are closed temporarily, you can often still purchase form their online shops. A quick Google search will reveal if your favourite small businesses have an online store. Speaking from first-hand experience, you can be assured that your purchase will result in a wave of smiles and gratitude on the other side. Even a single small purchase can help a business cover their costs and it has the additional benefit of providing an emotional boost for someone in an otherwise very uncertain time.
As a small business, we can attest that this is true of most entrepreneurs we know - us included: “when you buy from a small business, an actual person does a happy dance.”
Click here to be taken to KOOSHOO’s online shop!

Maybe you don’t need anything right now, but during these unusual times, a little support for your local small business can go a long way. Plus, don’t forget that Easter is coming up in April, and Mother’s Day in May. A gift card to your favourite small shop would make a lovely, thoughtful gift.
Click Here to purchase a KOOSHOO Gift Card

Come see what we are up to at @feelingkooshoo
A recommendation from a loved one carries significant weight. After all, we only recommend good things to the people we care about. So letting your mom know about the scrunchies you recently bought from a small shop, or sharing links with your best friends, is a great way to support small business.
(Photographed above: KOOSHOO Organic Twist Headband)

Leaving a review on their website, Google, Facebook, etc. can help spread the good word about your favourite small shops and build their trust online. If you’ve bought products from that small business in the past, take a few moments to log in and post a review. We can pretty much guarantee that real human beings on the other end will read that review and it’ll very likely make their day.
Click here to leave a review for your KOOSHOO products
This one really is huge. If you have any friends or family who are running a small business, take a few minutes to send them a message, or give them a call. Times certainly are rough for many small businesses right now, and a few words of encouragement and kindness can have such a positive impact on their day. Once this is all over, they will no forget the love you showed when things got tough.
Click here to read about our family-run small business
What are some of your favourite small and/or local businesses? Share their websites or links to their social media in the comments below! Let’s continue to support one another and spread love in these uncertain times.
“At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.”
-Frida Kahlo