Why Your Support Means So Much to Us
Dear Backers and Supporters,
A little gratitude is in order.
We're just over a week into our crowdfunding campaign to bring The Best Kids Pants in the World to life and have been overwhelmed by the support we've received from you.
In our first 48 hours we sold out of our first early bird package and other packages have been selling strong. At this early stage we're already going to be shipping these kids pants to at least 10 countries around the world and there are still 48 days to go!
This success is particularly awesome in light of it being Fashion Revolution Week - a week the world gathers to:
- Honor the lives lost in the production of fashion garments. 4 years ago this week the worst garment facility tragedy in history occurred when 1129 innocent lives were lost with the collapse of Bangladesh's Rana Plaza Garment Factory. The un-safe factory was used by many of the world's most recognized fashion brands.
- Celebrate the many businesses around the world providing a better solution to fast fashion: fair wages, safe working conditions, environmentally-aware textiles, recycled packaging, cause-driven missions and so on.
As a small business that was founded as a better option to fast fashion, your support for us this week means much more than a great product heading your way. What it means is a vote with your time and money for fashion done right. It means celebrating every stakeholder in the creation of a garment, from the farmers growing the crops to the garment workers doing the sewing to YOU, the happy end user.
We're deeply grateful to you for making this business, and the way we run it, possible. We're going to deliver the best kids pants you ever did see!
With love,
Jesse & Rachel
(KOOSHOO founders)
P.S. If you can think of 3 people in your life that would want to support us in this mission, please forward our campaign their way.